3 Rose Petal Sage Bundles + 3 Palo Santo
3 Rose Petal Sage Bundles + 3 Palo Santo

3 Rose Petal Sage Bundles + 3 Palo Santo

Regular price $24.99

The Art of She Rose Petal Sage & Palo Santo bundle :

Sage known as a powerful mood enhancer, kills 94% of airborne bacteria and gets rid of negative and stagnant energy. The power of these smudge bundles lies in the combined magic of white sage and rose petals. White sage is perhaps the most highly regarded sacred herb to use for smudging. The smoke of this magical plant will cleanse your space of negative vibrations and powerfully and uplift any low energies. The rose petals that have been added to your sage makes the perfect combination for smudging. Rose/rose petals has been used as an ingredient in love rituals since ancient times, and the petals of this beautiful enchanting flower are known to be potent bringers of good fortune & happiness.

Palo Santo is a tree that's native to Peru, Ecuador, and other South American countries. In Spanish, Palo Santo means "sacred" or "holy wood." When burned, palo santo cleanses negative energy away, purifies and attracts positive energy, enhances concentration and meditation while helping you become centered bringing peace and clarity. The smoke of Palo Santo helps raise your vibration while uplifting your aura and mood relieving common colds, flu symptoms, asthma, stress, headaches, anxiety, depression, calms nervous system, fights bacteria, viruses and more. Palo Santo is used to aid in meditation, prayer and used for spiritual protection. The rich smell will bring peace, clarity and positive energy to any environment.

Directions for use: Light your Sage and/or Palo Santo stick holding it at a 45 degree angle allowing it to burn for (30-60 seconds for Palo Santo) (20 seconds for Sage) Open all windows in your home or wherever there is stagnant energy. For cleansing your home start at the front door of your home or space then begin to move mindfully and with care while saying affirmations, i.e. "Any energy that may have entered this space that is not love and light and not for our highest good is now sent to the creator (God) to be raised to its highest vibration and transmuted into love."

The Art of She Rose Petal Sage & Palo Santo bundle has been intentionally prayed over with love and with powerful affirmations that will clear away any stagnant or negative energies!